Thursday 23 February 2017

Having someone that always think of you is a bless. The question is who, when, and how. I'm suck with things like this. No wonder la xda orang nak

Sunday 15 May 2016



Lepas puas ronda kemaman kami check in di Telok Cempedak (TC) Kuantan. So apa lagi kita bersuka ria lah disana. 

Nah cantik x warna air laut dia. Blue like a poseidon eye.

Ni lah dia kanak2 ribena

Acah2 mat saleh la ni. Rambut je karat muka macam jowos je

Haha comel je ms. thabitah

Automatic jadi ninja semata nak tangkap gambar atas batu. Panjat jangan x panjat

Full panorama view of TC

Akhir sekali kita singgah makan satar goreng n kepok lekoq

Zoo Kemaman


Ni lah dia zoo kemaman

Map nak ke kemaman sambil2 tu singgah dulu makan satar ke kepok lekor ke

Pak belang sedang menghendap mangsanya

Si jantan sedang memikat pasangannya dengan mengembangkan ekornya

Makhluk ni pon boleh ditemui di sana. Ecicici

Bagaikan Sakti - Jamal

Tuesday 26 April 2016

I really hate girls that see me as a stepping stone for them to achieve their ambition. For instant they grouped with me so that they has the benefit of getting marks/compliment without even doing a thing.

Friday 15 April 2016

Sometimes people doesn't see your true self. They just judge you based on your appearance. It's kinda sad.